Time to Rest Checklist

I would like to share with you this quick Time to Rest checklist that I use as an inventory of my energy level. After all it is about energy management, isn’t it? The crux of it is that I don’t get much joy out of life when  I am exhausted and tired. So, this check list is based on how I am experiencing life.

I have found out that I have a low tolerance to  tiredness. So, if I tick less that 8 on the list, I know I need to rest. 8 is not a scientific or magical number. It is the number that seems to work for me. The idea is that the less ticks the more rest is needed!

Download the Time to Rest Checklist for your use.

What is rest for you can be very personal. For me, it ranges from lying on a bolster with a Yoga Nidra to going for a walk to spending some time in my garden.

What I know is that, it needs to be practicable to your life situation for it to be done, hence for it to work!!!

I hope this little checklist can help you in picking up when you may need to up the power of the pause in your life. lOve to hear how you go with it!


The Good Hands